Pasta man offers home delivery!
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Now if you ask me, I think, “The Pasta Man” should change his name to “The Cheese Guy” because his selection of fine imported cheese is far superior to his selection of pasta. He comes to ISB one Wednesday afternoon each month. He is there most of the afternoon, however the first few hours are reserved shopping hours for the ISB teachers and staff. After school, however, anyone is allowed to shop.
There is a great selection of imported french and Italian cheese, including Brie and Burrata. The bread is amazing, especially the olive ciabatta. He offers a large selection of dry, packaged, imported pasta too. Each week there are some sweet selections as well. You can also find a great selection of olives from The Pasta Man.
There are many opportunities to discover a bunch of expat artisan specialty food purveyors at the NNR Bazaar and Passion Fairs. There are several throughout the year. The large NNR Bazaar is in Nov-Dec timeframe and there are several Passion Fairs in Nichada and downtown throughout the year. So look for the ads in the NNR publication called Thani Talk. It is a great way to find specialty suppliers for chocolate, bread, and other food items. There are also many Thai craft, jewelry, handbags decor and other beautiful offerings for gifts or home at these events. Find out The Pasta Man’s current schedule by e-mailing to be added to his mailing list or by calling 06-2951-1363.